Monday 27 December 2010

Lee Trevino's Priceless Golf Tips Volume 3: Swing Fundamentals plus Distance and Control [VHS]

Lee Trevino's Priceless Golf Tips Volume 3: Swing Fundamentals plus Distance and Control [VHS]Renowned golf teacher Jim McLean's The 8-Step Swing provides a lifetime's worth of golf magazine tips compressed into an 80-minute video, which is both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, the video will overwhelm most golfers if they watch it in one sitting. Not only does McLean break the full golf swing into eight distinct steps, or checkpoints, but at each step he provides a wealth of tips, drills, and "death moves" (faults from which no golfer can recover). Trying to keep all these pointers in mind on the golf course would be impossible. But for the golfer with the patience to consume the video in small doses, McLean's advice can help piece together a fundamentally sound full golf swing. None of the tips here are unique or unconventional. The strength of McLean's video is in the breadth of traditional fundamentals covered.

As with all golf instructional videos, The 8-Step Swing will benefit best those golfers who have a good kinesthetic sense of their body and club during the swing. Those who do not should videotape themselves to see if they are following the instruction properly. Note that McLean focuses exclusively on the full golf swing in this video and doesn't examine putting or the short game. Golfers who enjoy the video may also wish to pick up McLean's book The Eight-Step Swing: A Revolutionary Golf Technique by a Pro Coach for an easier way to look up specific tips and drills. --Eugene Wei

Price: $19.98

Click here to buy from Amazon

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